Urban Wildlife

An ongoing project to capture images of animals in the city.

Lost Lagoon Geese


This project aims to showcase the animals which have adapted to life in human modified environments through images which capture both wild animals and the landscapes which they inhabit. Started in Vancouver, Canada, this ongoing endeavor will continue in Australia, and hopefully around the world.


Animals of some kind inhabit every part of the Earth, yet as mankind's influence expands, it changes these environments. While this is devastating for many species, there are others which adapt to their new surrounds. Rivers that run under roadways, lakes hemmed by highrise, city buildings and roads, your own backyard. Animals find a way to survive in these places.

Social Raccoon


It is amazing which animals remain within the city limits. Of the animals photographed so far, the list includes Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans), Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Canadian Goose (Branta canadensis), American Black Bear (Ursus americanus), Coyote (Canis latrans), and Beaver (Castor canadensis).


There is such a variety of animals which inhabit urban areas, so capturing images of them also takes a variety of methods to accomplish. Some of these include late night drives to find the city's nocturnal inhabitants, diving urban creeks with bridges as the backgrounds, and staking out sites with recent wildlife reports. 

Fence Bobcat